Monday, September 2, 2013

Boating Safety

When buying a boat, the most important thing to remember is speed. Unless the boat goes really fast, you might not get back in time to make the payments.
When boating, always avoid guys in cowboy hats who water-ski with a beer in each hand.
Always slow down when you notice a lot of people standing in the water.
In a crowded lake it may be dangerous swerving at high speeds to avoid hitting a fish.
Never tailgate a water skier. Very few have brake lights.
In a boat, picking up hitchhikers is okay. With today's swimsuits, you don't have to worry about concealed weapons.
Drinking boaters may wind up with dishpan lungs.
No matter what the sign says, whales have the right-of-way.
Always boat defensively. Remember, the only driving test a boater has to take is whether or not the check clears.